Cultural crossroads Asia

Cultural Crossroads Asia

Cultural crossroads Asia

Cultural Crossroads Asia
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An Exhibition of Textiles, Artifacts, and Photographs
Heart Space Gallery
Chiang Mai, Thailand


As a Karen man, I would like to say that I really like your works on music and arts of the indigenous peoples. You can encourage the young people have more confidence to keep their culture, identity, and livelihood practices. Let them go back to their people and culture again!

Mulu Songphonsak

24 January 2024
Dear Victoria, I was amazed, thrilled and generally moved to meet someone such as you. With your passion and drive, you truly are remarkable and doing such incredible and necessary work for minority groups with their extraordinary skills, that could get lost in time, were it not for you and your ilk. You are providing a very important piece of work; keeping their traditions alive and informing us interested parties of their methods, beliefs and cultural uniqueness – you deserve all the platforms in the world to make this universally understood and appreciated.  How hard it must be to keep striving for these dying arts! I admire your tenacity which surely must be your middle name.

Thank you for your time that day; it will stay with me forever. It was fascinating and beautiful. Best wishes and thank you.

Athena Strutt

Ms. Victoria, You are an amazing person. You have presented tribal art in the most interesting way.  Every shirt, every picture, every story is very interesting.  Thank, Victoria for making the story of the tribe interesting. You are a hero to many people.  Thank you.

Ne Ne

Love the exhibition and the incredible work and research Victoria is doing!

Jens Uwe Parknitny
Photographer, Bloodfaces

Dear Victoria,
It was lovely to meet you and to see your beautiful collection of love through textiles and photographs.  Great work you do and so much love resonates in that. I wish you all the best,


Such exquisite photographs – just gorgeous.

Chris Ackerman

Thank you for this experience absorbing all the talents that went into the creation of these wonderful pieces in this exhibit today.

Davitt Abrahaha

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